Student Center
Check PowerSchool for grades and assignments due. If you need help with logging in see Miss Begin.
Access to email and online access to all Microsoft apps.
IXL Access
Need to fill out a form? You can find it here in our form library!
Student Body Account
Deposit Form and Check Request Form for Student Body Accounts
Handbooks / Course Registration Book
View student handbooks and the course registration book here.
Library Catalog
Access our school's library.
Work Permit
Minors under 16 years old must obtain a work permit before beginning a job. This includes home-schoolers. They must get a new permit every time they begin a new job until they reach 16 years old, even if they work for their parents. In order to apply for a work permit, the minor must be: enrolled in school; not habitually truant or under suspension; and passing a majority of courses during the current grading period. Employers must have a stamped, approved work permit on file before allowing any minor under 16 years old to work.