Employment Opportunities





Thank you for your interest in employment at

Forest Hills School!







Applications for employment can be found below for download. Please fill out an application for position of interest completely, bring proof of Criminal History Records Check and/or fingerprinting appointment receipt, and your letters of recommendation to the Superintendent's Office during office hours Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 3 PM.

Under Maine State Statute Title 20-A §6103, all employees of a public school must undergo a criminal history records check via fingerprinting. Please see the links below to begin this process. 

Please submit a letter of interest to the following address:
Kelly MacFadyen, Interim-Superintendent
RSU 82 / M.S.A.D. #12
606 Main Street
Jackman, ME 04945

RSU 82 / M.S.A.D. #12 is an equal opportunity employer.




Contact the Superintendent's Office:


Employment Applications

Forest Hills Consolidated School is always accepting applications for substitute teachers. Please fill out the above application completely, bring proof of Criminal History Records Check and/or fingerprinting appointment confirmation, and your letters of recommendation to the Superintendent's Office during office hours.